Catalyst Campaigns founder & CEO Scott Goodstein writes in TheHill.com about Meta Corporation’s launch of a new social networking app, Threads, While there is excitement to jump ship from Twitter (over 100 million people downloaded it in its first few days) Goodstein, discusses why this app will be no different than any of the other platforms without proper guardrails added.
Goodstein states, “Unfortunately, as each of these platforms competes to become the largest network in the free market, without any intervention or protections, they will create more of the same bot-driven cesspools, spreading misinformation and disinformation and promoting false advertising. There is no real incentive for them to do anything different in the United States.”
Read more about Threads at TheHill.com and more of Scott Goodstein’s recommendations to fix these problems and how Facebook (Meta) continues to ignore fake news, hate speech, threats of violence, and even foreign influence on its platforms.
“3 ways government can help clean up Twitter.”11/10/19, The Hill
“Don’t applaud Twitter for flagging one tweet” 05/28/20, The Hill
“Has Facebook Learned Nothing?” 01/12/20, The Hill
Let’s hope Threads doesn’t only do what is best for Meta, but provides a simple platform that provides a safer space for constructive public dialogue that is hate and bot-free.