Digital Strategies

Catalyst Campaigns knows how to build effective digital campaigns from scratch and has been doing so since the early expansion of the World Wide Web and the proliferation of personal cellular devices.
Each campaign is built with the latest proven best-in-class technology. We custom designed each project based on achieving measurable results within a specific timeline and budget.
Every campaign is an opportunity to set short-term and long-term goals while thinking through which medium is the most effective means to tell one’s story.
Our team is constantly evolving our strategies and tactics for organizing during the deadly global pandemic and as we move into a post-coronavirus future. This includes understanding technological advances, adapting to changes in digital advertising models, and constantly experimenting with new ways to utilize online platforms and applications.
We Offer
- Full Service Digital Campaigning
- Social Media Strategy
- Online Brand Creation
- Online Fundraising
- Digital Audits
- Text Messaging Strategy
- Web Development
- Interactive Voice Technology
- Digital Media Training
- In-house Digital Advertising

We walk the walk. Catalyst Campaigns donates a quarter of our time each year to assist causes in need of pro bono services.

Impact Marketing

Catalyst Campaigns create clear messages to motivate distinct audiences. We work to identify key stakeholders, potential funding sources, and prospective coalition partners.
From targeting PunkVoters to AmazonWorkers to women’s soccer fans, we have developed expertise in messaged development for effective lifestyle marketing.
Catalyst Campaigns also works with its clients to develop authentic messages that target specific communities that deeply resonate in unique and memorable ways.
We do more than talk the talk… More than twenty-five percent of Catalyst Campaigns services are donated to assist causes in need each year. This includes everything from developing campaign messaging, budgeting plans, timelines to providing website development, branding design, graphics and other vital assistance that make campaigns successful.
We work to find the right message, the right messenger, and the right moment to make a lasting impact on the world.
We Offer
- Authentic Storytelling
- Cultural Marketing
- Coalition Building
- Issue Education
- Strategic Partnerships
- Values-Based Branding
- Issue Mapping
- Community Engagement

Strategic Communications

Catalyst Campaigns has over 25 years of experience navigating public affairs campaigns. From mapping out advocacy strategies and budgets to managing political campaigns of all shapes and sizes, Catalyst Campaigns quickly designs the most effective communications solutions. Our team works around the clock to meet the demands of an ever-changing news cycle.
Catalyst Campaigns excels at rapidly responding to crises in the short-term as well as building teams and sustainable long-term communications strategies.
We Offer
- Message Development
- Campaign Planning
- Public Affairs & Issue Advocacy
- Social Media Training
- Media Budgeting
- Public Relations
- Earned Media Strategies
- Crisis Communications